The co-educational setting fosters gender equality, enabling students to build meaningful relationships with peers of all genders, as well as with individuals across different age groups and adults. Leadership is demonstrated by all genders mirroring the dynamics of secondary schooling, higher education and the professional world. Interaction across year levels is promoted through cross-age programs, providing opportunities for senior students to serve as mentors and role models. Students are supported in cultivating personal responsibility throughout their schooling, with leadership opportunities available at every stage of their development.
Leadership can be taught and leadership can be learnt. Students need to be provided the opportunity to experience and develop leadership. We challenge and engage all students to accept leadership, as Leadership is Service.
By assuming a leadership role, our students learn that serving others is a greater responsibility and commitment than being concerned only of their individual needs.
Leadership in our school will have various roles as the needs of our school and our local community will ultimately vary. Student leaders will have and exhibit the values of respect, resilience, responsibility and aspiring. These core school values will also be supported by personal traits of morality, empathy and trust. The School and community will together develop our student leaders. Our goal is to develop individuals who lead by serving, inspiring and enabling others to develop and exercise their own leadership qualities and responsibilities.
Students will have the opportunity to serve our School and community in the roles of:• School Captains
• Principal Advisors
• Junior School Council• Intra – School Leadership
The leadership model involves:• Prioritising the welfare of others• Building teams and using teamwork• Strong sense of community• Receiving reward from helping others
Student leaders will:• Use their vision to further improve individual and school culture• Lead the engagement of others improve the learning, physical, social and emotional outcomes of our school community• Inspire others through their ability to listen, empathise, communicate and develop trust• Build community• Commit to the needs of others